The Egyptian Goose male..standing tall with all his strength and power...and of course his classic mohawk. Good morning your majesty.
The Egyptian Goose male and his great love. I have never seen a single male defend a lioness the way he he defends her. He is always in her shadow..for years now. It's just beautiful.
Unlike his brother the Lookout, this is a naughty boy. He never looks directly at you. He is always with his head down, letting you know he fears nothing. He is the leader of the Purunget pride. He is the first to fight, the first to eat, and will be the first to die protecting his territory and family.
"Every morning an impala wakes up knowing that it must outrun the fastest lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning a lion wakes up knowing that it must outrun the slowest impala or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a lion or an impala, when the sun comes up in Africa you must wake up running"
- anonymous, Zambia
A morning filled with beauty and grace.
For certain I don't like change. I am a creature of habit and It has been quite hard to say goodbye to my lions (especially the Lookout) who I have lived with for over one year now. My naughty boys will be so missed. We are just 30 km away now but it seems like a country divides us. Here is the Lookout coming out to greet me, marking his territory along the way. He is a really nice lion. One of the best I have ever known.