White rhinoceros or square-lipped rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum)
On the 30th of October ATE and KWS contacted the DSWT about a shocking poaching incident in Amboseli National Park area, leaving a one year old female calf and orphan. The calf witnessed her mother and two sisters killed and their tusks hacked off by poachers. This short film tells Quanza's story.
On the 9th of October the DSWT rescued a young calf from Amboseli National Park. This clip shows the story of the rescue. To read more about the story please visit our website: https://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/asp/orphan_profile.asp?N=283
On October 3rd during a KWS aerial patrol over the Narok/Masai Mara area a yearling calf was spotted alone, frantically trying to follow a bull who was passing nearby, yet the calf was unable to keep up and soon fell behind. The DSWT was called upon to rescue the calf, this clip shows the orphan's rescue.
White Rhino, South Africa
Coquerel's Sifaka lemur, Ampijoroa, Madagascar