Emily and the Voi ex orphans visit unexpectedly and after an absence of over 4 months. They were in wonderful condition, safe and well
A tiny calf, too young to know fear, courageously walked in between vehicles, curious onlookers, buildings and structures desperately seeking something that felt like his mother. Thankfully those that first sighted the calf meant him no harm. Read More http://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/asp/orphan_profile.asp?N=303 and http://www.facebook.com/thedswt
On the 28th of December The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust moved three orphans, namely Layoni, Dabassa, and Rombo to Tsavo East National Park to re-habilitate them back into the wild from the Trust's Voi Unit. This films shows their journey. To read more please look on our website https://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/updates/updates.asp?ID=390