The Olkejurungai Pride of the Maasai Mara is powerful and strong. Four females and one young male are in top condition and have no problem bringing this buffalo down. Notch and his sons still rule this side of the Mara River, patrolling all corners of the territory, terrorizing all intruders. This powerful young pride is safe within the boundary. The young male is Notch's son.
Double Trouble... these two young cheetahs are up to no good for sure. What a day filled with cheetahs..unreal!
Even though now the rains have come to an end, and the skies are no longer burned with blue, the savannah still brings the sounds of the elephants walking through the tall grass. Their steps are silent, but present, and the communication between them is inaudible to the human ear. The silence has never felt so good.
Good Morning Cheetahs!
These two cheetahs look too hot...but the mid-day sun was blazing...I think we were all a little heated..
Olive is one of the most photographed leopards in the Mara. She is also one of the best mothers, raising her cubs successfully to maturity. This is one of her cubs. I spent the morning with both of them watching her cub trying to drag a huge impala up a very large tree... finally with success.